Waters Edge Nursing Home
Waters Edge Nursing Home

2401 Blanding Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501

Since 1972, the Waters Edge Nursing Home, a Medicare-certified Skilled Nursing Facility, has been committed to creating a comfortable and homelike environment for both short-term and long-term residents. Our goal is to create an active friendly place where residents receive the highest level of care in an environment that fosters wellness and companionship.

Large Dining and Activity Room with a Magnificent Views of the Alameda/Oakland Waterfront-a truly unique experience
Rehabilitation team including Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy, Trained to Encourage Residents to Reach the Highest Level of Functioning
24 hour Nursing Staff, Supervised by RN's, Trained to Care for the Individual Needs of the Elderly
Several Garden Patios, Landscaped with Different Themes, spread throughout the Facility Creating a Variety of Outdoor Experiences
Friendly, Supportive Staff Works with Both Residents and Families to Create a Positive Experience
Activities Designed to Appeal to a Wide Variety of Interests including: Board Games, Art Classes, Meditation, Current Events, Happy Hour, Movie Showings, and Nintendo Wii Sporting Tournaments
Wellness Program including Exercise Classes Meant to Help Residents Maintain their Highest Level of Physical Function
Religious Services Provided by the Local Community
Facility Pets Provide Animal Companionship to Residents

Alameda Elder Communities

Waters Edge Skilled Nursing Facility

Waters Edge Lodge

Elders Inn

Alameda Elder Services

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