Santa Teresita Manor
Santa Teresita Manor
819 Buena Vista Street
Duarte, CA 91010
Phone: 626-359-3243

Santa Teresita Manor is a skilled nursing facility, located near the magnificent foothills of the San Gabriel Valley, which provides 24 hour nursing care on a short-term or long-term basis for those residents that require nursing or rehabilitative services in a non-hospital setting.


The Carmelite Sisters and their staff provide skilled care for residents with compassion respect, and dignity. This is strengthened by their pro-life commitment to witness the dignity of all human beings and by their recognition of the residents' richness of wisdom and the experience of their years.

... Commitment

Santa Teresita Manor strives to be a sign of the compassionate love and mercy of God. We do our utmost to provide comprehensive and quality services to all residents regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, or financial status.

Long and Short-Term Care Service

Catholic Services

Santa Teresita Manor provides very comfortable accommodations along with personalized health care services. Our Care Team develops specific plans of care for each individual resident and provides the following services:

•Occupational Therapy
•Speech Therapy
•Restorative Therapy
•Nutritional Services
•Social Service
•Physical Therapy

Santa Teresita Manor attends not only to the physical needs of each resident; but most importantly to their spiritual needs.

Daily Communion, Confessions, and celebrating the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick are just a few Catholic Services our Pastoral Care Team provides.

Other Services Open to All Faiths

Our beautiful gardens provide a peaceful environment for outdoor activities such as barbecues, fresh-air exercise, and sing-along programs.

Some Activities include but are not limited to the following:

•Arts and Crafts
•Birthday Parties
•Holiday Celebrations
•Adult Education Courses
•Field Trips

•Daily Rosary
•Sunday Mass
•Daily Prayer Services
•Bible Study Classes

Types of Accommodations

Our rooms are furnished with an over-bed table, night stand, and closet. Private rooms have additional shelf space for plants and pictures. Personal furnishings from home are welcomed if space allows. All electrical appliances need to be approved by our Plant Services to ensure safety.

There are various types of rooms available with corresponding rates:

•Private rooms
•Two residents per room
•Four residents per room
•Five residents per room
•Eight residents per room

Copyright 2006-08 Santa Teresita

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