Country Oaks Care Center
Country Oaks Care Center

830 E Chapel St
Santa Maria, CA 93454, United States
+1 805-922-6657

Country Oaks Care Center is a 57 bed Medicare and MediCal certified skilled nursing facility, dedicated to providing quality care to both short term rehabilitative and long term residents. We are locally owned and operated. Our administrators are on site every business day.
Our emphasis is on the individual needs of each of our residents. Our goal is for each resident to have optimal quality of life during his or her stay with us. To this end, we provide physical. occupational and speech therapies, as well as I.V. therapy and enteral therapy. The restorative nursing program enables residents to maintain the therapy gains they have achieved.

Why Choose Country Oaks Care Center?
When your family member or loved one needs either short term rehabilitative care or long term care, choose Country Oaks Care Center, where our residents feel at home.

© 2007, Country Oaks Care Center, Inc.

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