Cloisters of La Jolla
Cloisters of La Jolla
7160 Fay Avenue
La Jolla, CA 92037

Comprehensive Nursing Care in a Serene, Supportive Environment
The Cloisters of La Jolla has been providing skilled nursing and rehabilitation services to the community since l964, allowing residents to remain active and connected to familiar community activities and events with the added benefit of remaining close to friends and family during their stay. Trained staff is available 24 hours per day to provide personal care, professional nursing, and rehabilitation services.

Team Provides Individualized Care
With individualized care plans, the team responsible for your care is directed by you and your physician and is dedicated to working with you to achieve your goals, build on your dreams and celebrate your successes. You are the plan. During your limited or extended stay, companions, nurses, therapists and specialized caregivers will work together to provide extensive medical, rehabilitation and recreational therapies.

The Cloisters of La Jolla is one of the few San Diego care centers Accredited by JCAHO, a stringent, voluntary accreditation program that takes the care center above and beyond the regulatory requirements. We also participate in the Advancing Excellence campaign, a government quality initiative dedicated to excellent customer satisfaction and quality outcomes. Through MyInnerView, a quality measures and survey group for healthcare, we are able to keep track of your suggestions for improvement, and respond. The Cloisters of La Jolla accepts Medicare, private pay, and most insurance and HMO plans.

Lifestyle Choices Encouraged
A variety of accommodations are available including private, semi-private, and 3 bed rooms. The care facility has bright sunny exposures and open patios. Residents are encouraged to appoint and re-arrange their rooms to meet their lifestyles and preferences. The kitchen, under the supervision of a Registered Dietitian, will make every effort to prepare and serve foods of your choice within your physician ordered diet. Bon Appetit!

Encouraging an Active Lifestyle
For pure enjoyment, our certified Recreational Therapy Specialist schedules a variety of entertainment to amuse and delight. For those residents working towards a specific goal, individual or group activities are planned to support that goal, such as a rousing game of volleyball to promote physical strengthening. Social opportunities through mentally-challenging games, creative endeavors and competitive fitness are also in play. Our volunteer programs support many inter-generational activities with ages ranging from 4 – 90 years. After all, when it comes to social and leisure time, you are still you... Only your address has changed.

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