C Silverado Senior Living
C Silverado Senior Living


25100 Calabasas Rd,
Calabasas, CA


To give life to those affected by Alzheimer's and other memory impairing diseases.


To maximize the quality of life for our residents, clients and their families.

People with Alzheimer's disease can still have a substantial quality to their life. This is best achieved by optimizing our residents physical and emotional health and by providing an environment which is aesthetically pleasing and accommodating. This is further supported by having staff who are caring, trained, and empathetic to residents needs, concerns and fears, by giving residents opportunities for appropriate natural social interaction with family, peers, children and pets. We believe that having some control and decision making as well as responsibilities, provides a "life purpose" for residents, keeps them interested and involved, relieves boredom and increases the opportunity for them to have happier more fulfilled lives.

Core Purpose:

To care for people afflicted with chronic disease, by maximizing their quality of life at all stages and helping their family and loved ones understand and transition through the disease and the grieving process to be one with their loved ones.

Core Values:

To recognize value and build the human spirit in all we do.

Getting Alzheimer's disease and other chronic disease doesn't have to be the end of living.

Retain and build family unity through understanding and positive action.

To provide all residents at each community with the level of care, I want my mother and yours to have (we would choose to place our own mothers at the community).

To continuously innovate and improve the level of our services, setting the industry standard of care, doing the impossible. Economic rewards follow from quality service.

To operate in a fiscally and socially responsible manner exceeding expectation for all constituencies/stakeholders, today and 20 years from today.

Increasing the quality of care for all people with dementia throughout the world.

Envisioned Future:

Providing a guest relations program exceeding that of Disneyland's customer service program exceeding that of Nordstrom's.

Develop innovative/research based solutions to the problems encountered by residents and their families.

To become the global leader in providing care for chronic disease victims by the year 2020.

©2009 Silverado Senior Living. Inc. All rights reserved
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